Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Manchester United VS Indonesia All Star

I always want to watch this match!

VVIP: Rp. 3.500.000,00
West VIP: Rp. 1.500.000,00
East VIP: Rp. 1.000.000,00
Class 1: Rp. 450.000,00
Class 2: Rp. 300.000,00
Class 3: Rp. 100.000,00

my dad said that I only be allowed to be in East VIP. I hope it is enough to see the face of the players, hahaha.

but I don't know where to buy the tickets. if you kind enough, tell me the place okay! thak you before.

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

share with me!

So how are you doing, guys? I don’t want to take long, just a simple post and nothing else because a suck thing that I have no idea about nothing. Too bad.

Here I just wanna share that I’m gonna play piano. Is that great?!

Since I was in elementary school I have been dreaming about that one, but yeah, I didn’t even think about it. Believe or not, I love instant things.

Does anyone here can play that instrument? I’d love to know and hear it, so tell me! You can contact me on my facebook, myspace, msn, or yahoo.


Or if you can play guitar like me, just share something to hear and play, okay? it’s great for me to know about music.

So let me know! My door always be opened for you!

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

The Different

“and when I decide to go, take him to the moon so that the light of the moon can show me the face of an angel and fill every night so fine.”
Bahasa: “dan ketika aku memutuskan untuk pergi, ambil dia ke bulan agar sinar dari bulan bisa menunjukkan kepadaku wajah seorang malaikat dan mengisi setiap malam dengan indahnya.”

Got the inspiration by

“and when I shall die, take him and cut him up in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun.”

That’s all this post. No thing really important. I just want to share a bit.

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Listen for this one

this a song of Rob Pattinson and I think it is good, so stop and listen, okay?! I hope my share is good enough for you, guys. it is 'never think'.

Never Think - Robert Pattinson

and here is the lyrics

Never think

What's in your heart
What's in our home
That's all I want

You'll learn to hate me
But you still call me baby
Oh Lord
Just call me by my name

And oh, save your soul
save your soul
Before you're too far gone
Before nothing can be done

I'll try to decide when
Shall I win
I ain't got no fight in me
In this whole damn world
To tell you to hold off
But you still hold on
It's the one thing that Iknown

Once I put my coat on
I'm coming out of this all wrong
She's standing outside holding me
She's saying oh please
I'm in love
I'm in love

Girl save your soul
Save your soul
Before you're too far gone
And before nothing can be done

'Cause without me
You got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
Without me you got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
So hold on
Hold on

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009


Life is beautiful. Everyone says that.

Miracles of happiness, that’s what they got. Every time I was alone when it’s time to sleep, I feel the world so peaceful.

Every night, I dreams. Dreaming in the real world. I always dream what I suppose to be in the future, what I’ll be doing at my job, even how my life is going to be.

I closed my eyes and felt the silence around me. I repeated every moments I did at the past, whisper laughing, smiled, cried, whatever the moods are. And out of my feelings, I slept in the same mood.

In the morning, I felt the sadness. Sad because it was over. That’s why I love the night. Dark, silence peaceful condition, hmmm, so soft.

Life is like a routine things you must do every time. You can not run out of this. You can not hide yourself from life, because you have been there for your long life.

I love being alone. Thinking what I love to think and can not be disturb by anyone. When I feel I am in my life now, I took a deep breath to anything that can be happen in the future.

Make it simple now, your own life is yours.

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

No Regrets for Me

Okay, I may write something about future, now. I just interest to all the logical things.

I am writing now, and what will have done in this page? Some paragraphs, right?

I am walking on the start line now, and I will have crossed the finish line at the end.

See? Everything we are doing now is just the way to fill out the blank in the future. Doing better things will make a better end. All I want to do know is just making a better future for my life. If you’re thinking…
“ah, there is a last chance before it ends.”

I think that will change your future life’s not as perfect as you dreamed on.

Have you ever thought about you past? How was your spare time, how was the time you were spending, and the things you regretted because you did something wrong? I’ve thought about it. As a human, I must have regretted something.

Example, my bad scores before because I underestimate it, my bad habbit, etc.

All people say “Regretting always come at the end”

My comment: Of course it does! There is no regretting at the first, right? and the name of regretting comes when you feels you did false.

It is just the same if you say “the finish line always at the end” that is a stupid thing, isn’t it?

How come the finish line always at the start, huh? A kindergarten student must have known about that one.

And if you do not want to be someone who regrets again, you must keep your self do the thing right. Anyway, there is no regretting for me. It was just a false thing I did. I don’t regret, because I know what I do.

If it was false, and then you must accept it ‘cause you did it. Just make sure the same thing that you’ll do next time won’t be like you did before.

And fill your future blank with no regrets.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Happy Birthday, Robert Pattinson!

I am so obsessed with him! Laugh Out Loud


I was traveling my mind when the song started. I stared, don’t know exactly what I was staring. I kept my self discussing and fighting things. I was still far from my course place. I took a breath and tried to connect to the real world and it worked.

I listened to One Republic's songs just like usual. Prodigal, my best song of the album. I thought about friends, things, homework, and even the most unimportant thought I’ve ever thought.

It’s about someone who listens to people thoughts. You must have watched twilight movie, right? I was wondering is there someone that really listening to people thoughts? Like Edward Cullen does?

I got a friend, Tasha is her name. people said to me Tasha’s mother can read minds. I just knew it two months ago but I met her mom four months ago. Ya, I think she listened to mine, too. What was I thinking that day?

There is no privacy to us. As a daughter, Tasha couldn’t hide a thing even if she really don’t want her mom to know from her. It’s hard, very hard, to believe it.

Imagine, when you think your love life, and that means something you always hide from him, and he listens to your mind, what will you do? Go to hospital and then change your face, huh? Too bad.

Issues say my teacher at school does listen minds. I usually meet him on Friday, technology and communication class. When he entered the class, I started to stare at him and say ‘Can you read my mind? Can you read my mind? Can you? Answer me, sir. Can you read my mind?’.

And oh god, he stared back. He walked to my chairs, and sat next to me. I just could see his back because he sat to the left.

After I said my words, he looked at me like he was called by someone. Yeah of course, it was me. I met his gaze and his eyes looked like he had answered my question before. And then I smiled hesitantly and nodded.

He stood up after I thought he really listened to mine, and he went back to his chair in front of the class.

When I thought something, I talked to my someone who listens to mind.
“please, don’t listen.” I said like a silly child.

What did they do so they can listen to minds, actually?

And I got to my course place. My thoughts in car was so interesting, but I had to study that time so I couldn’t think of it over and over. Sometimes I think it again, again, and again.

Keep your minds safe, guys

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

A Moment of Change

I’m sorry, but this blog won’t gonna be like you’d seen before. It’s changed—to be like an inspiration blog for me. I just read books by Stephenie Meyer and it was so unbelievable, so match with my mind, and it made me shook my head for a moment just to making sure that I was reading the best novel ever.

And, after thinking for a thousand years, I agreed to rewrite my blog. I thought my blog was not important, really. I know I can not write a nice writing like my favorite writer does, but I am going to make it myself by her novel to my inspiration.

So, don’t laugh, okay. I can be what I am dreaming to be, right? Just enjoy!


Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Ruang Ganti Baju Ajaib

kemaren gue baru inget tentang pengalaman gue dengan ruang ganti baju ajaib yang benar benar ajaib, teman.

kita mulai dari awal, oke.

jadi, kira-kira 2 tahun lalu, gue pergi ke bandung bareng sama keluarga. lebih tepatnya keluarga gue sama keluarga nia dan kakek nenek gue.

setelah satu malam menginap di salah satu hotel di Bandung, sebelum pulang kami mampir ke beberapa factory outlet di sekitar Bandung.

sampe akhirnya kita berada di FO apa ya itu namanya lupa.

gue sama nia keliling keliling FO karena gak tau apa yang harus dilakuin. kita berpetualang sangat seru sampai sampai kita mendapatkan benda yang menarik, ajaib, bisa digeser-geser, ada tirai nya, dan berupa ruang.

benda itu jumlahnya ada tiga. tirai pertama terbuka dengan sangat lebar, yang kedua tertutup rapat, dan yang ketiga setengah terbuka.

Nia membuka tirai pertama dengan sangat amat keras dan membuatnya berbunyi "krek!" dan dia masuk ke dalam ruang rahasia yang sangat misterius itu.

gue gak mau kalah men sama nia. dengan semangat 45, gue buka deh tuh tirai yang kedua.

"liat nih, aku juga bisa!" kata gue dengan nada pamer yang sangat tidak penting.
terdengarlah bunyi yang gue tunggu-tunggu. "krekkk!"

seiringan dengan bunyi "krek" itu, gue melihat sebuah patung yang amat cantik. berkulit putih, berwajah seperti bule, tetapi ada yang salah.

patung itu bisa bergerak! dia melihat ke arahku. mukanya sangatlah sinis. setelah ku perhatikan lebih baik, patung itu menutup bagian depan badannya dengan baju.

seketika itu juga lah, aku menyadari, bahwa cinta itu ada....

HALAH! gak nyambung.
setelah gue mengamati patung bule cantik itu, gue nabok pipi gue. oke oke! gue gak mimpi.

sekarang gue gak berpikir jauh lagi.
yang gue sadarin adalah gue menghadapi kenyataan. kenyataan bahwa gue membuka tirai ruang ganti baju yang ada seseorang di dalamnya. we a we.

"maaf mba maaf maaf!" adalah beberapa kata yang bisa gue katakan saat itu.

Nia ngakak, kakek gue nyengir, dan untungnya cuman segitu orang yang ada di sudut FO.

abis nutup tirai gue pergi, ke mobil dan tiarap di jok-nya berharap si wanita tidak kembali membawa golok.



Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Ibukota Spanyol? Paris dong!

ceritanya tadi pagi di jam pelajaran terakhir, pelajarannya bu lubis dan Bu Lubisnya gak masuk, gue sama beberapa temen gue ke perpustakaan cuman buat baca baca aja karna gak ada kerjaaan.

kita awalnya cuman ngobrol seputar temen gue yang keren banget! dia udah kemana-mana. singapore? 7 kali. nyasar-nya aja profesional, di Paris! terus liburan kemaren masa katanya dia ke jerman! ikut dong gueee hahaha.

nah di perpustakaan itu cuman ada:
-seseorang yang gue gak tau namanya

2 orang kelas 7 dan satu Ibu sensitif.

pas lagi ketawa-tawa, pandangan gue tertuju pada beberapa buku tebel yang tulisan sampingnya itu Europe, Asia, Afrika, dan lain-lain.

awalnya gue baca yang tentang Amerika. secara gitu kan obama bokap gue, jadi ya sebagai anak harus tau lebih juga dong ya.

abis baca ensiklopedia tentang amerika, gue beralih ke yang judulnya Europe. gue buka halaman awalnya dulu yang berisi tentang daftar isi. dan ternyata itu gak penting.

jadi gue langsung baca. jujur, tulisannya jarang gue baca. hanya gambarnya saja yang gue liat.

pas nyampe bagian negara Spanyol, gue lupa ibukotanya Spanyol itu apa. jadi gue tanya ke temen terdekat gue. temen yang ada di depan gue, paling alternatif. namanya siapa gue gak tau, tapi dia lagi ngomong sama temen gue jadi nyeletuk aja gakpapa deh.

kita panggil saja nama dia "OL" disini.(orang lucu).

AL: eh eh, ibukotanya spanyol apa sih ya gue lupa?!

OL: hmmm... madrid!

AL: hmm(sambil liat buku untuk memastikan jawabannya)

OL: eh eh salah deng salah! apa ya....

AL: ini madrid atau barcelona ya....(ngebolak balik lembar kertas tentang spanyol)

OL: OOOOHHHH!!!!!!!!!

AL: apa? madrid apa barcelona?!!

OL: ah... gue baru inget!!! PARISSS!!


yang lainnya pada ngakak juga tapi gak selebay gua.

gile lu sejak kapan ibukota spanyol melenceng jauh jadi paris? mimpi ape lu semalem? oh gue tau, lo mimpi jadi orang bolot kan? ah itu mah gampang ditebak! hahahahah

sumpe lo itu kayaknya harus di cek dulu ya. seseorang, tolong tanyakan dia apa nama ibukota Indonesia. kalo dia jawab Washington, kita harus pindah ke negara lain karena disini sudah tercemar virus flu bolot, oke.

stay calm,


Melalui kakao dan cokelat, Indonesia dikenal Belgia

Indonesia berpartisipasi dalam Festival Cokelat (Chocolate Festival) berlangsung di Belfort Brugge-Belgia, (1 s/d 4 Mei 2009). KBRI Brussel kembali berpartisipasi dalam pekan pameran kakao dan produk cokelat, mengingat Indonesia adalah negara ketiga terbesar pengekspor kakao dan biji cokelat ke manca negara, termasuk ke jantung Uni Eropa ini. Diplomasi pangan, kakao dan biji cokelat melengkapi diplomasi produk laut kita menembus keseharian konsumsi warga Belgia ini. Ia menjadi kebutuhan yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan warga. Konsumsi, lapangan kerja sekaligus devisa negara.

Melalui kakao dan biji cokelat Indonesia menjadi bagian kehidupan konsumsi masyarakat Belgia. Kakao dan biji cokelat yang diimpor dari Indonesia dan diolah secara hand made ini, tidak saja menjadi produk industri Belgia tapi lebih dari itu menjadi produk seni, ekonomi kreatif, yang membuka aneka lapangan kerja bagi warga Belgia. Fakta ini dibenarkan oleh Dewi Kusumastuti, Koordinator Fungsi Ekonomi KBRI Brussels, yang hadir didampingi Oke Nurwan, Atase Perdagangan dan Dr Edi Hartulistioso, Atase Pertanian KBRI di saat pembukaan pameran.

Eropa adalah konsumen kakao dan produk cokelat terbesar yang akan mencapai 40 persen konsumsi global kokoa di tahun 2010. Proyeksi pertumbuhan konsumsi mencapai 1,7 persen pertahun dan mencapai 1,4 juta ton kebutuhan, dari total 3,2 juta ton permintaan dunia.

Indonesia tercatat negara pengekspor kakao atau biji cokelat ke-3 setelah Pantai Gading dan Ghana. Produksi kakao Indonesia diproyeksikan akan tumbuh 3,5 persen per tahun dan mencapai angka produksi rata-rata 650-750 ribu ton, atau sekitar 16 persen dari produksi global di tahun 2010. Sekitar satu juta lahan produksi kakao ini, kakao menjadi penyumbang devisa terbesar ke tiga di sektor pertanian, setelah karet dan kelapa sawit, dengan nilai US$ 668 juta dan membuka lapangan kerja bagi 800 ribu keluarga petani kakao.

Melalui kakao ini dan produk cokelat, Indonesia tidak hanya dikenal, namun produk cokelat ini seharusnya mampu menjadi produk seni yang bernilai tambah bagi lapangan pekerjaan dan devisa negara. Seandainya coklat ini diukir dan dibuat di Bali, dengan sentuhan artistik ia bukan hanya barang konsumsi makanan, tapi menjadi produk budaya ekonomi kreatif. (Sumber: KBRI Brussel)